Monday, July 6, 2015

The Seven Minute Workout

Check out this workout on the New York Times Well Blog by Gretchen Reynolds:

The Scientific Seven Minute Workout

Image Credit: Ben Wisemen, NY Times

Seven minutes isn't much time, so I'll be incorporating this workout into my strength training routine once my legs and hips are recovered from the Afton 50k.

If you're a regular runner and you hate strength training, the seven minute length should reduce your hesitation. Each exercise should be done for 30 seconds with a ten second rest in between.

The recommended intensity is an 8 out of 10. Reynolds writes, "Those seven minutes should be, in a word, unpleasant." Although it'll be a tough workout, seven minutes is only a couple songs on your workout mix--not too bad for a full body workout.

Some recommendations for The Seven Minute Workout:
  • On a running day, do this workout after your run. 
    • Fatiguing your running muscles can lead to poor form and can increase the risk of injury.
    • Don't do this workout on a true rest day. If you're cross training or don't need to recover from a hard workout, go ahead and try it.
    • Pay attention to how you feel the day after this workout. If you're starting to feel sore on a run, ease up. It's OK to walk or cut a run short to prevent injury.
  • It's more important to do these exercises correctly than quickly.
    • Don't try to do this workout in seven minutes at full intensity the first time (or even the second).
    • Watch the video provided with the 7-Minute Workout App, or watch a video on You Tube.
    • If you are already injured or have a history of injuries, do this workout with a physical therapist or an excellent personal trainer to ensure proper form.

The NY Times blog post includes a link for the 7-Minute Workout App, and a link to an advanced seven minute workout.

If you'd like to make a recommendation for a quick strength routine, do so in the comments below.

Run well.


  1. Thanks to the Afton Trail Runner who recommended this workout to me!

  2. Hey! I met you at the Afton race -- I was wearing the 'crazy compression' socks :) BTW - there is an iPhone app (maybe apps for other platforms too) for the 7 minute workout.

    1. There is! It's hyperlinked in this article, or you copy paste this:

      Thanks so much for visiting the blog!
